Que is a linear list data structure. The insert and remove operations are performed at the opposite ends of the list which are called the rear and the front respectively.
enqueue ----> | 3 | 4 | 2 | <------ dequeue rear front
Fig: Queue showing rear and front
A que can be implemented using a circular array or a linked list that maintains the rear and front item reference.
enqueue -----+ +------ dequeue | | v rear front v +----> | | 3 | 4 | 2 | 7 | 10 | | | >-----+ | | +------------------------------------------------+
Fig: Circular list implementation using array
enqueue -----+ +------ dequeue | | v rear front v [head]---> [3|*]-->[4|*]-->[2|*]-->[9|*]--->$
Fig: Linked list implementation
public interface Queue { /// <summary> /// Inserts an item to the rear of the list of items. /// </summary> /// <param name="item">item to be inserted</param> void enqueue(object item); /// <summary> /// Removes an item from the front of the list of items and returns it. /// </summary> /// <returns>The removed item</returns> object dequeue(); /// <summary> /// Returns the item in front of the list of items. The list is not altered in any way. /// </summary> /// <returns>The item at the front of the queue</returns> object front(); /// <summary> /// Check if the queue is empty or not /// </summary> /// <returns>true if queue is empty, false otherwise</returns> bool empty(); /// <summary> /// Checks if the queue is full or not /// </summary> /// <returns>true if queue is full, false otherwise</returns> bool full(); /// <summary> /// Calculates the number of items in the queue /// </summary> /// <returns>Number of items in teh queue</returns> int size(); }
public class Node { public Node next, previous; public object data; } public class LinkedListQueue : Queue { Node rear_item, front_item; int item_count; public LinkedListQueue() { rear_item = front_item = null; item_count = 0; } public void enqueue(object data) { SNode new_item = new SNode(); new_item.data = data; new_item.next = null; new_item.previous = front_item; if (front_item != null) { front_item.next = new_item; } front_item = new_item; if (item_count == 0) { rear_item = new_item; } item_count++; } public object dequeue() { if (front_item == null) { return null; } object data = front_item.data; item_count--; if (item_count == 0) { rear_item = null; front_item = null; } else { front_item = front_item.previous; front_item.next = null; } return data; } public object front() { if (front_item == null) { return null; } return front_item.data; } public bool empty() { return (item_count == 0); } public bool full() { return false; } public int size() { return item_count; } public static void Test() { Queue queue = new LinkedListQueue(); object data = 10; queue.enqueue(data); object item = queue.dequeue(); TestEngine.AssertEquals(item, data, "Dequeue does not return expected data"); } }
A double ended queue where insertion and deletion are allowed on both end of the list.
Problem: Implement a deque